Frosty Smoothie Drink

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Coop Build Coordinator
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The blender fuse thread has prompted me to share my favorite. It evolved over several years or smoothie making. If you get it right these are very good!

This a a light drink served in a semi frozen state. You need a heavy glass mug about 8" tall and 4" inches wide. In the US there are often used to serve beer. Keep the mugs in a freezer several hours till cold

Milk: You can use anything from 1% up to whole. The important thing is not the fat content but the milk solids. If possible use milk from a dairy or dairy store Milk sold in supermarkets has low milk solid content and will not work well.. If you use supermarket milk use at least 2%.

Banana: The ripper the better. 1 large or 2 small.

Flavor: Cooking vanilla or chocolate syrup.

Sweetener: Sugar, corn syrup, or stevia.

Add 2 cups milk to the blender. Run on fastest setting till whipped. It should increase in volumn by about 50%.

Add 6 or 7 icemaker sized ice cubes and the banana.

Add choclate syrup or vanilla and sweetener to taste.

Start blender on a low setting and ramp up speed till the ice cubes are gone.

Pull the mug from the freezer, fill. Serve now.


Freeze peeled ripe bananas. Use 3 cups milk and skip the ice. This makes for a heavier/thicker drink.

LO CAL: The standard version made with 1% milk, vanilla, and stevia has the calories of the milk and the bananas. I have not tried it with skim milk but it may work if the milk is of good quality. I drink 2 of these most days.

Fruit: I have used strawberries in addition to the banana.

3v0 said:
This a a light drink served in a semi frozen state. You need a heavy glass mug about 8" tall and 4" inches wide. In the US there are often used to serve beer. Keep the mugs in a freezer several hours till cold

A good way to make the glass mugs nice a cold is to dampen it before putting into the freezer. Don't leave drops of water on it, just so it is minimally damp. That way, when it comes out, it will even be a little frosty. It works great, too.
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