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Windows XP's Internet Connection Sharing service, right?

Do you know how to get to the control panel part of that software?
i used the "new network wizzard" all it did was share the internet connection and created a "bridge" on my computer
Exactly. There's a "bridge" between your 2 network adapters that routes traffic between the internet and your home network. You need to make sure the bridge is open to FTP traffic.

Windows Update will sometimes make unwanted configuration changes, which might explain why it worked before but doesn't anymore.
i can't see anything that is even remotly anthing to do with "ftp" the only thing i could find was the internet connection and that was "ftp server"
As I'm using a hardware router, I cannot easily simulate your configuration on my network, and can't help much more with the software configuration.

Have you tried the obvious computer reboot (computer 1, of course)?
danielsmusic said:
yea, i suppoze i will have to ftp from my mums computer.

Presumably that's the machine that the modem is connected to?. If that works it's fairly obviously a problem with your Internet connection sharing, for example, is the Firewall on your mums machine stopping FTP access from the other machines?.
Try and see if you can even get to the internet using FTP from your computer by running FTP from the command line.

To do this, go to " Start" "Accessories" "Command Prompt"

You will get a DOS style screen where you can enter the following:

FTP ( this is the only line you type, the rest is automatic, then press enter )
Connected to ( This is what will be returned if you can connect )
220 ProFTPD 1.3.0rc2 Server <ProFTPD> [] ( this tells you about the FTP server )
User < <none>>: ( here you are asked for your user name, type it in then press enter)
500 USER: command requires a parameter. ( If you only hit enter, no name, this error returned because above no user name was entered )
Login failed.
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