The Final Test
no problem if I need to make other test!!
Kick me for being stupid. I went back and re-read the entire thread and I see that I confused the entire issue by thinking that the gauge had an internal connection to the Can, which is how car and aircraft usually work. Your Ohmmeter test indicates that there is not a connection to the can in your gauge!
However, there is obviously something else inside the can beside just a simple D'Arsovol meter movement. This is indicated by the very high resistance (825K) from + to C.
Without opening the can to see what is inside, here is my last ditch suggestion: Set the DC supply to 14.25V, which will be close to the Jeep's system voltage with the engine running above idle. Connect +14.25V to Gauge +. Using your 10K Pot as rheostat , connect wiper to C and one end of the pot to 0V.
Turn Pot until needle just moves off the empty stop (so the needle is noticeably above empty). Connect your DMM in DC voltage mode and read the voltage from C to 0V (i.e. across the pot). Record the voltage. Without disturbing the Pot wiper position, momentary disconnect the C connection from the pot, and read the pot Resistance.
Repeat this for 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, and just barely short of Full Scale.
This will give a table like this:
NeedlePos Pot Volts Pot Ohms
If I have these readings, I will integrate the gauge into the opamp circuit I worked out before.