I added node names (labels) to all of the critical nodes in the circuit. I used LTSpice to compute all of the node voltages if the sender is replaced with a 20Ω resistor, and again if it is replaced with a 100Ω resistor. These correspond to empty and full. Look at the two tables of voltages.
With the table of voltages at all of the nodes in hand you should be able to tell what is not working. Note that I did not intend for you to use pots for R1, R2, R6 and R8. If you had used the 1% fixed resistors, the only one you might have to tweak is R6. If you just put pots everywhere, powered it up, I dont think you can set them to the correct values after the fact. If you preset them to within a % or two within the value on the schematic, you might stand a better chance.