Fujitsu P42HHA30 problem, please help

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I have fujitsu P42HHA30 plasma since 2003, never had any issues. Recently, all of a sudden my screen would turn off and red status light flashes. I have to pull the power cord out of the wall, wait untill it makes ''clicking'' sound, then plug it back in and turn the power back on. It works but overnight, if I try to turn it back on in the morning same thing usually happens. Can anyone please provide me with more info on what's going on and maybe some suggestions what to do. Someone told me there may be a problem with power supply. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
Sounds like a loose connection on the power Relay. That would be the clicking sound. I would Buy the cold spray and shoot the connections one at a time to see where the problem is.
hi i have a Fujitus Plasmavision W P42HHA30 and just got 3 vertical RED lines going from top to bottom of screen 1 on the far left side right next the the black framing that meets the plasma glass 1 is about 4 inches away on the left and then 1 on the far right side where the black framing meets the plasma glass the picture on the plasma is still awesome except for these 3 lines is there a board going out or something that i can get replaced???
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Essentially it's the PDP that's duff (Plasma Display Panel), but if you're lucky, and can source the boards, it 'may' be one of the PCB's which are a part of the PDP.

In my experience, in the UK, Futjitsu are absolutely useless, not only can they not supply any spares, they can't even give you a cost for them.
thanks for the info your right Fujitsu custom service stinks i do think it is a board today the red lines are gone after 2 hours of using the pdp i havebeen playing around with it when the pdp heats up the lines leave when i turn it off and let it cool and turn it back on the pdp red lines come back???? so it has to be one of the boards that control the picture now i just have to find them somewhere to replace it and find what one is going out any one no how to test these boards>?????
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You need an identical working set, and swap boards between them - and see if the fault swaps. The fault could still be in the PDP itself, the weird ribbon type cables seem to be glued on?, and quite often fail.
there has to be a easier way to find out what board is messing up im not buying another pdp display to take it apart and switch out boards till i find the right one if the pdp was damaged the lines would stay all the time no? and the lines have not done screen burn yet because they move all the time as you watch a movie or tv so are you telling me that Fujitsu glue the ribbon cables on to the gold plug prongs on the boards????
there has to be a easier way to find out what board is messing up im not buying another pdp display to take it apart and switch out boards till i find the right one if the pdp was damaged the lines would stay all the time no?

I wouldn't guarantee it!.

and the lines have not done screen burn yet because they move all the time as you watch a movie or tv so are you telling me that Fujitsu glue the ribbon cables on to the gold plug prongs on the boards????

No, I've no idea how the cables are actually fastened (possibly spot welded?), but they are covered in glue afterwards - you can get intermittent connections there.
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