Funduino Uno

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New Member
Hello just bought a Funduino Uno have seen how to wire an IR sensor and various H bridges but have not seen a schematic with an L9110S motor controller in a project . My project is a dual motor toy car does anyone have a schematic for this.
First Project

Since this is my first project I was hoping to get a complete schematic to follow. This might be a basic build for some but its my first major build to me I don't want to fry my board.


  • Jerrys electronic project August 20 2013 (640x427).jpg
    201.1 KB · Views: 673
I do not know what to add to the schematics shown in the datasheet.. that is pretty much a complete schematic.

You connect the "VCC" to your battery (max 12V). And you connect the "forward signal" and "backward signal" to the arduino IO (digital out). Then you need the code to produce correct signals (using the arduino) that make the motor go.
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Thank you that worked. With a IR sensor added to use a tv remote the additional connect would require a sketch also ? I have a sketch for that can it just be added separately ?
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