Funny looking Reply Box today

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The Reply Box is missing some text. It shows a few things only when it is clicked on.
I have Windows XP and Internet Explorer 8.


  • reply box.PNG
    13 KB · Views: 293
Hi audio guru.

You have a caching issue. Press Ctrl-F5 about 5 times fast, or clear your browser cache.

If that doesn't work let me know
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Sometimes I get text and other times I don't. It is OK now and I did nothing to fix it.
I don't clear my history because I like it and it stores my logon names and passwords.


  • reply box.PNG
    17 KB · Views: 290
Sorry, I used the wrong terminology. In most browsers you can specify to only delete the cached files (called Temporary Internet Files).

For future reference IE8 has this feature under Tools > Internet Options > General Tab. Click Delete and make sure only the Temporary Internet Files check box is checked (below the line).
Oh and it's actually good practice to do this every 6 months or so to keep your browser running fast. The cache can quite easily expand to 100 of MBs.
Thank you.
I deleted my Temporary Internet Files. I also expanded the memory for them from 50M to 100M.
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