Yea, Futurlec's supplier is in Thailand. My orders always arrived with some strange, yet sweet, mysterious odor in them. Perhaps this is some kind of magic to make you order again?
When I looked, I bookmarked the sight, so if my memory serves me, their prices were good, for Canadians. Most Canadian outfits seem like criminals, though, in their pricing. They are fond of putting 10 1/4 watt resistors in a bubble pack and charging $2.50 or more. grrrr Even on ebay, I bought 10 copper clad boards from a Canadian, and he charged me $20 US, shipping, where the post mark was less than $10 Canadian. Ended up the same price I'd pay in a local shop, and I wouldn't have had the wait.
I have ordered from All Electronics Corp and their prices were good, indeed.
The cheapest place I've ever seen for PIC micros, though, is on Microchip's website. Anyone ever ordered from them? I think you can buy small quantity.