I wish Futurlec would be more up-front...
I ordered from Futurlec without knowing that ALL their parts come from Thailand, that they only have a Sales Office here in the U.S. I also believed them when they incorrectly said "In Stock" on one of my items when it wasn't. And I didn't even need this extra item, I just ordered it as a nice-to-have, but it delayed my whole order.
I wish when they write to me (which I have to beg them to do), that they tell me the real shipping time based upon users past experience, it is not 7-10 days, it is more likely to be 2-3 weeks or longer. They could blame local customs or the Department of Homeland Security and I wouldn't mind. The biggest problem with Futurelec is BROKEN EXPECTATIONS. If they set my expectations low, and they meet them, then I am content.
The could use their order status web site more, they need to update it automatically and then they can stop answering emails.
They need to allow me to split an order into two portions: those items really in-stock, and those back-ordered or being manufactured. If they offer this to me then I would be even willing to pay two sets of shipping costs, or at least make an informed decision.
Also I find it disturbing that they charge my credit card immediately, they really need to change their process so that they only charge my card UPON shipping.
And again, like others I have found that the Thailand Post Office tracking web site
http://track.thailandpost.com/trackinternet/Default.aspx does not show my order, even when I format the tracking number as they expect it (futurlec adds spaces). Also no wonder a previous person in this thread couldn't find the item at the USPS site!
So, I have one order confirmed on the 22nd July, but with back-order issues, shipped (so they say) on 8th August and they say it should arrive in 7-10 days... so then it will be here at the latest on the 18th of August....Wait a minute, today is the 27th...Oh well :-(
I have another order I put in on 15th August for more wonderful things at a very nice price... maybe I will get it my Christmas.