FYP on Wireless Data Communication through InfraRed led

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New Member
I am starting my FYP this semester and my title is "WIRELESS DATA COMMUNICATION THROUGH AN INFRA-RED LED"
However i am quite blur on how and where to start,thus I am here to be given some guidance /tips on any reading material.I have come across related threads in the forum but i cant seem to follow because the problems they have are midway the project and i need a grip of the topic from"square 1"
Project objective is to be able to get different files types i.e audio,video and text transferred between sender and receiver via the IR led.
Also i had wanted to add voice communication to the project but my supervisor was like because its Infra Red and the range is so short,there'd be no need to transfer voice as the receiver could actually here you without the need of the IR modem.
So please advise me on resources for the circuitry and any imporvements/features i can add to the project.
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