GameBoy Serial Port

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New Member
Hi Guys,
I found this interface for a Game Boy Serial (link) port. Could I use this for a PC serial interface? If not, how would I modify the design?

Are you asking about the original Game Boy, or the Game Boy Advanced?
'Cause I never heard of a serial interface with either for a pc..Just wondering?...A good friend of mine is a hard core gamer..And he has never mentioned such an adapter?!..I think the adaptor you are speaking of is the one that goes from a Game Boy Advaned to the Nintendo Game Qube..My friend has one of those..Some Game Cube games use this external connection...Example, Animal Crossing, So you can visit the island and Harvest Moon..So you can connect with Friends of Mineral Town..And These work with the Game Qube connected to the Game Boy Advanced..This is the extent of my knoledge on this!
hi there,

im not sure if we are thinking along the same lines but, i know there is a cable that connects between the gameboy advance and USB 2.0, also i think there is one that connects to PC serial port.

try looking on websites that sell gameboy flash advance cards.

gregory hansell
It was in a magizine I found (Electronics Australia June and August 2000 editions). There was an article about programming a gameboy so it could control motors etc. through its link port. They provided a schematic for the interface to the port. However, I don't have a gameboy and was wondering if the interface could be used on a PC port.

Sorry, about not attaching the schematic earlier, I was experiencing problems uploading it.


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