I'll get to the question and then fill in the details.
Any idea which terminals on my existing garage door PCB I can trigger to remotely open and close?
I have an ANSA door control, which has a physical open/close button and a RF receiver for a keyfob. I've just wired a small internet wireless switch that I've powered with a 5v transformer. i can control the switch remotely and send a variable time length of current to the output side of the switch, which I assume is what the physical button on the board and the RF receiver does on press or receipt of a signal. My question is, which of the many terminals do I put the current to, to open/close the door? The PCB has a 'Door Controls' segment that consists of "IMP, COM, STP, AL1 & AL2". There are no current connections into these terminals, save for COM & STP which are bridged by steel wire. There is also a 'Safety' terminal section as the door has light sensors, and that has a single connection into OV, two connections into TEST and two connections into 24V.
Sorry if I've asked the wrong questions and any help gratefully received.