Garage Door Hacker Question

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New Member
Does the circuit in the plans area work on the newer rolling security code doors or is it designed for the older garage door openers??
Garage Door Hacker in practice

It requires that you already have the remote control and that the code is entered on a numeric keypad.
It would be useable on any style of door that has this type of control ...


Modern systems may contain logic to allow you, say, four attempts and then just ignores you for ten minutes before allowing you to try again. As this hacker circuit stands it would just keep trying and more than likely 'guess' the correct code while such an intelligent reciever was ignoring you - you would then never be any the wiser 8)
more info?


i'm really interested in this project. could you please tell me where, or if you could please send me a copy of the circuit plan you're referring to?
Would it not be better to use a wideband transciever / recorder to record and playback the key fob ?

I reckon you could do it to connect to a laptop / HPC....
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