Gateway LP2207 /FPD2275W Bad Caps need help

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I have a Gateway FPD2275W/ It also goes by LP2207.
It does have 2 bad caps on the inverter board. The 2 caps are 12J 3KV JNC. I was able to find a replacement part(thanks to someone on another forum!) One looks like its ready to burn up and the other one all ready has. Do I need to replace the other cap There are 2 more caps(same kind, that look like there part of the invertor circuit.
Since no one seems to know on this one and it looks fine I was wondering if I can get away with not replacing it. Also Should I replace all the Electrolytes caps. I tested them all with a ESR meter all came out good, but the filter cap. Its a low ESR but a little higher than it should be. .73 and should be around .53. There where a few that had real high Capcitance(instead of 240 or 640 they where like 2400, but Im guessing possible because they where in circuit. My meter will test in circuit but it may still be througing things off. I didn't test any of the ceramic caps. There are a couple of those as well. None of the caps looks bad excpet the 2 bad 12J's

Thanks in advance!,



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The same capacitors fail in Beko portable TV's, any of the four can fail, and they go leaky. Assuming you can find a source for them, you should change all four - but it's pretty tricky to foind them anywhere.
Hi Nigel,
So would it be a safe bet to replace the N3 also. I found a sources(someone posted) for the 12J. I take it hte others maybe ok to not replace?
THanks again,
Sounds good Nigel, thats all I was hoping to do. Just wanted some input from someone who has a lot more experience than myself. I thought I may need to dig deeper.Thanks again.
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