gaussian elimination method

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Could you please help me with the queries, **broken link removed** and **broken link removed**? Thank you.

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What happened to eqn#1?

In your 1st set of equations, you CANNOT add #2 and #3 and also use #3. You have to add eq #2 and #3 and use eq #1.
What happened to eqn#1?

In your 1st set of equations, you CANNOT add #2 and #3 and also use #3. You have to add eq #2 and #3 and use eq #1.

Thank you, KISS.

But I'm sorry. I don't get your point. The system consists of three equations and **broken link removed** the system has the same solution as the original. And I did add #2 and #3 to get #3". So, could you please elaborate a bit? Thank you.

Kindly also help me with **broken link removed**.

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The solution (for y1, y2, y3) will still be the same, but obviously y3" =/= y3 because y3" = y3 + y2. e.g. if y = 1, and 1 = 1, using your process, y" = y + 1 = 1 + 1. y and y" are obviously different.

Why are you wanting to use Gaussian elimination here? What are you actually trying to "solve"? Each equation can be solved in isolation from all others as there is only one unknown. Or are you just looking for the intersection point?

Thank you, Dougy.

I just made up that system of equations to understand the working of Gaussian elimination method. I was not in particular interested in solution of the system. If you have time, then please give **broken link removed** a look. Thank you.

If you want to work through an example of where Gaussian elimination is applicable, have a go at this one (taken from
View attachment 67667

The simultaneous equations for that will be:
9.x1 + 3.x2 + 4.x3 = 7
4.x1 + 3.x2 + 4.x3 = 8
1.x1 + 1.x2 + 1.x3 = 3

Have a go with solving that one; it will make some sense (as there's 3 unknowns). Regarding the text you highlighted, it's just saying that if you have e.g. the following set of equations, that you should move the first row to the bottom such that the matrix diagonal has a value larger than those underneath it. I don't think you'll find round-off error to be an issue with 3x3 matrices however. You will have to make sure the diagonal is non-zero though, or you'll have trouble with the elimination step (i.e. divide by zero or multiply by 0 won't help you solve anything).
1.x1 + 1.x2 + 1.x3 = 3
9.x1 + 3.x2 + 4.x3 = 7
4.x1 + 3.x2 + 4.x3 = 8
Thank you very much, Dougy.

I have already found an answer to the Q2. Will post it in some time.

Best wishes

I had thought I had found an answer to **broken link removed** but that wasn't completely true. Anyway, at least now I have general idea what it's all about.

I was reading this Wikipedia article which indirectly provides **broken link removed** to Q2. I'm only **broken link removed** understanding what exactly four-digit arithmetic means. Could you please help me with this? Thank you.


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When you add two equations you have to add *ALL* the columns not just the ones on the right or the ones on the left or some other subset.
For example, if you add the two equations:
you do not get:
you actually get:
and dividing both sides by 2 we get:
and plugging in x=-0.25 we get:

So adding or subtracting equations means to add the ENTIRE equation to the other, not just some terms.


The whole idea with GE is to reduce the equation coefficients to a triangular matrix so that the 'last' equation has a solution like:

To do this, we multiply some equations by a constant so that when we add or subtract them to another row that row develops a zero coefficient. Once N-1 variables have zero coefficients in any one row we have a solution for that one variable and then we can use back substitution to get the solutions for the other variables.

The coefficient matrix for the set:

is simply:

and the constant vector is:

We want to get the matrix in the form:

where E came from some operations on D using A, B and C. The zero in the matrix means that the last equation was reduced to one unknown

so y is simply:

and then we can use back substitution to get x.


The whole idea with numerical stability stems from the fact that the usual numerical processor has limited precision. This is true of any computer really because there is an approximation used to represent the numbers due to the fact that we can not store the entire number. For example it would take an infinite number of digits to store the true value of pi. And this is true of other numbers too like 1/3 which is:
0.333333333333333333333333333 etc.

Now storing a number like 1.001 would not be a problem really (it may come down to an approximation too but lets say it doesnt for now). But when we go to MULTIPLY it with another number and then use it with still yet another calculation it can quickly lead to errors.
So lets say we have that 1.001 and we want to multiply it times another number 1.001 (happens to be the same to make this easy).
We get:
But notice that we started with 4 digits, and we ended up with 7 digits (that's almost twice as many digits). Well what would happen if we only had four digits (this simulates a limited storage type like float or double but with even more limited precision just for the illustration). If we only had four digits to work with all along, we would have to store that number as:
so we would have lost some precision. The error is small 0.000001, but it is nonetheless still ever present. And lets say we multiply that by 1.001 again, we get:
but have to store it as:
Now if we had a larger storage register we would (with all the calculations so far) have gotten:
so now the error is:
when before it was only:
so we can see the error grew.

But the real problem comes in when we go to add or subtract, especially subtract two numbers with built in errors from previous calculations.
If we subtract two numbers that are close to each other, we end with with a significant portion of the result being the error itself. This leads to gross errors sometimes.


Lets take a quick look at a simple set of equations and use GE to solve them. The best way to list them is with the variables on one side and the constants on the other side like so:

Now we want to use GE to solve this, so we start by noting that we want to end up with a form like this:

where we have a zero before the x in the last equation.
Noting that if we take the first equation and multiply it by 2 we get the x coefficient the same as the x coeff in the last equation, so doing that:
2x+4y=8 times (2) gives us:

Now we replace the top equation with that and get:
and then subtract the bottom one from the top and get:

Now we've eliminated the x coefficient so the solution for y is very clear:

Now we go back to the first equation:
and substitute y=1 into it and get:
and so

and that's that.

But what if the original set was written as (i know this is trivial but just for illustration):

Now we can not get the equations into the form:

because whatever we multiply the coefficient in the first equation by we always come out with 0 for the x coeff so it will never change the second equation at all and this means we can not get a zero coefficient in the second equation this way.
When this happens we have to 'rotate' the whole 'matrix' of coefficients so that we push the 0 to one side and replace it with a non zero number:

Now we have B which is non zero so we can start the process. We note that D=B*a where a is some number so when we subtract we force D to be zero. In this very simple example we would not have to actually do this, but this is the way it works when we run into this situation and actually have to perform these steps.

Now there is the question of numerical stability while doing this task. We are forced to use number crunchers that have limited precision so this introduces some new problems.



I was looking at the equations (Set 1):


and comparing these to the equations with rotated x and y columns (Set 2):

The idea here is that because the pivot in Set 1 (1.001) is lower than the pivot in Set 2 (2.001) the result of the GE calculated variable in Set 2 will be numerically more stable than the GE calc'd var in Set 1 which means it will be a better approximation.
To check this out using the modern computer however we have to impose a rounding function like:
where v is the result of a calculation. We have to do this to see the effect rounding has on an actual calculation using more digits where it happens automatically within the numeric processor.

With N=1000 we see some interesting results. This limits the precision of the calculations so we end up seeing the effect on the solution set x and y. For Set 1 i was seeing y=0.333 which is not correct at all, off by quite a bit, and for Set 2 i saw x=1 which is correct.
I want to go over this to make sure i did everything right, but you get the general idea. Supposedly we get better results with a larger pivot.

Also written in some literature which i havent investigated fully yet is that the stability also gets better with the introduction of a scaling factor where s=sqrt(Akk) where Akk are the coefficients along the diagonal. What i had found so far was that any introductions of any scaling factor meant that there was yet another multiplication involved (that's what we have to do to all the coefficients first) so the accuracy always seemed to get worse. My only guess at this point was that the scaling factor was introduced when computers could only do fixed point precision. With floating point it actually looks like it gets worse.
I havent looked at tons of matrixes with this in mind, but have looked a quite a few so far and all the results either do not change at all or get worse. So i cant recommend a scaling factor unless you're using fixed point (such as maybe with a microcontroller).
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Thank you very much, MrAl.

The quoted text in blue is beyond my understanding. Could you please use some simple example and perhaps manually put a limit on precision used to illustrate the point that using smaller value pivot is more prone to error. Perhaps, you can use the Wikipedia article I linked and talked about in my previous post. Thank you.

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That was a simple example using those equations and then rotating them and doing it again.
The limit on precision came from the rounding function:

or perhaps the better notation would be:

where we run every number though this filter before we read it out.
For example, if we set N=1000 (N sets the precision, the larger N is the better the precision, so we keep N relatively low) and we have a number calculated such as 0.333333 (6 figures) that becomes the old v and so the new v ends up being just 0.333 as so:
floor of that is just like int(x) so we just drop all the decimals and we get:
Now we just divide by N and we get:
So see how we lost some precision, because the last three digits were lost and we are down to only 3 significant digits.
So this is how we simulate the limited precision of the home computer, which actually does this out to 16 or 17 digits, but that's still not as good as 32 or 1032 digits where we would see even better results. So this just limits the precision even more so we can see more clearly what is happening when we do a calculation.
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The business of error analysis of (finite precision) floating point operations is complicated. Much of the early work on error analysis in matrix operations was done by Wilkinson:

For further reading from a less comprehensive point of view concerning your particular problem, see:

Some mathematical software packages (such as Maple, for example) allow one to set the number of significant digits used in the arithmetic. This makes it easy to solve the same problem with fewer or more digits, and see the differences in result.

Another method to get an idea of the errors in a particular solution is to use interval arithmetic:

Some good links.

It looks like Wikipedia used N=10000 for their example. Note how different the results came out with and without adjusting the pivot. For the one variable that was supposed to come out to a value of 10, it game out to almost 10000 instead ! After the pivot was changed, it came out to the required value of 10. Here the difference was quite extreme too.

However, i think the most extreme example is when the pivot is zero (0.000000). In this case we are actually forced to rotate the matrix to get a new pivot because zero just does not work at all in the algorithm.
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