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New Member
HI all - I am currently studing electrical engineering at technikon. One of our subjects requires us to code and program the pic16f877 using MPLAB.

A few months ago i have repented, and started using Linux Mandrake.
I have stopped programming in C with Visual Basic and have started to code and compile using GCC. I was wondering if there was a GCC or something similar that i could use to code and program the pic16f877

basically i am looking for the linux equivalent of MPLAB - can anyone help ?
There are C compilers for the PIC series, but they have an odd architecture that makes a port of GCC for them difficult. I have not checked in a few months, but I dont think there is a gcc for the pic parts.

that does not sound hopefull
but surly there must be something i can use in linux that will do the same job as MPLAB
i have been looking and ill keep looking but my search wil be alot easier if someone had the name of a linux program

thanks for your help anyway
Re: OH NO!

Borg123 said:
that does not sound hopefull
but surly there must be something i can use in linux that will do the same job as MPLAB
i have been looking and ill keep looking but my search wil be alot easier if someone had the name of a linux program

There's nothing like MPLAB (as far as I know), but there are PIC assemblers that run under Linux, and also at least one PIC programmer. Sorry, I've no idea of names as I don't run Linux - if you look on the PICList I seem to remember there's a bit about Linux.
Thanks Nigel Goodwin.

I have an idea - i am gonna try run MPLAB in linux with the use of wine.
I am still quite new with linux so i still have to teach myself how to install and use wine
Borg123 said:
Thanks Nigel Goodwin.

I have an idea - i am gonna try run MPLAB in linux with the use of wine.
I am still quite new with linux so i still have to teach myself how to install and use wine

I have heard it works under wine, good luck!.
I do all my PIC stuff exclusivly on Linux although I do stick to asm.
Get the latest version of gputils for the compiler, gpsim for the simulator and there are lots of programmers available like prog84, picprg etc...

to all you guys - thanks alot - esp Nek and bluex_scf !!
you have given me something to go on

ps. Nek - are you a seasoned linux user ? wot you running - i am still new so i am starting out with mandrake (mandrax
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