GE model # 20gt406a turned off at night--will not turn on

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I need help--my tv in the bedroom worked fine then I turned it off and it will not turn on--no click , no lights--nada. Any help?
Re: GE model # 20gt406a turned off at night--will not turn

hawkeypler32 said:
I need help--my tv in the bedroom worked fine then I turned it off and it will not turn on--no click , no lights--nada. Any help?

It could be anything, TV's mostly fail either when you switch OFF or switch ON. First thing to try is the internal fuse, as already suggested the mains switch is possible, some sets are prone to this - but I've no idea on a GE set, I wouldn't even know who makes it (except it's probably not GE!).
It's probably made by Thomson Consumer Electronics, and it may be the "infamous" crap soldering job they did on the RF shield around the tuner / micro / EEPROM chips. Thousands of sets were repaired with this fault. If this is your problem, its easy to fix if the EEPROM is still OK. All it requires is some resoldering around the shields and pass-throughs on the metalwork. I couldn't cross-reference your exact model number, but if it was made for GE in the last say 10 years, and it's Chassis # CTC175 through CTC188 it may be one of these sets.

Here is a link covering the faults :

**broken link removed**

Have a loook on the model # sticker and see if it one of these chassis. If it is you may have an easy fix on your hands. This same fault causes some of the most aggravating symptoms from drifting tuning, random shutdown, won't turn on, wandering through channels, you name it. And often never the same thing twice. Since its now a known issue, its the first thing I look for on these TV's.

NB: You often can't tell by looking ( even with a lens ) that the soldering is no good, its broken inside the little cone of solder. You just have to reflow or resolder all the joints in the metal work and pass throughs of the RF shield.

Thanks for the replies--the chassis is a ctc146. It is an older tv and probably not worth taking to a shop so I am trying to fix it myself. I was able to fix the last one that took a dump on me thanks to the great info I recieved from this sight. How would I check for the problem you mention zevon8? would an ampmeter do the trick? Thanks again for the help.
zevon8--I wentto the link you provided and saw that my setis more than likely not in this range of affected chassis #'s.It also appears that the first symptons to show themselves from this poor soldering job do not match with what happened to mine. The secondary symptoms do though. Once again thanks for taking the time to offer help--any other thoughts for me to try?
Hi It's still in the age range of the bad soldering, so I would check that anyways. If it does absolutely nothing on power-up, no relay click, no power cycling, nada, then it is likely something in the stand-by power supplies, or the main power supply. You really need a schematic for these sets since the circuit board has so many surface mount parts it is difficult to trace out by eye. If I remember right, yours is all large parts on the top, all surface mount on the bottom.

If you do an internet search for CTC146, or TV repair faq or TV repair help you will find several message boards that list faults common to these sets.

Since there are somany things that could go wrong, its hard to give specifics, sorry.
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