Gel Batteries bulging on charge problems

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New Member
I have a small business. I import a golf trolley from China, it is shipped by boat container and may take several months. They use Gel batteries from Ritar Power and I find that we are having a high rate of failure - 10% +.
The charger used is the recommended Ritar Intelligent Charger.
We are experiencing bulging of some of the batteries when on charge.
Any ideas as to what is the likely cause?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Been reading some of the web links from
Googling What causes SAL batteries to bulge
There's lots to read.

The main answers seems to be a number of points:
Too deep a discharge cycle, over charging, sulphation build up on the plates, storage in a discharged condition.. etc

It could be happening if the SLA batteries are being shipped in a semi discharged condition, especially as its taking months in transit.

Do you charge the batteries on arrival at your factory.?
I would suggest you do charge/discharge test to check the performance.
Jel Battery

Thanks Eric. The problem is that the product goes to the distribution outlets and from there to the end customer.
Thanks again.
You may need to insure that the batteries are well charged before they leave the factory. Also what is the self discharge rate of the batteries? Some battery designs have a slower rate than others. You might see if you can have one installed from the factory with a slower discharge rate. You need to tell your supplier about the problem and see what their thoughts are.
Most products from China have a high failure rate. They are cheaply made.
Tonight my kitchen was full of smoke and the 3 years old Chinese compact fluorescent light bulb was flickering and was turning black. The cheap Chinese junk might have set my home on fire if I did't see it and turn it off.

Where can I buy good quality European bulbs?

In Europe?
If I plant compact fluorescent bulbs (from Holland) now, how many more will I have in the spring??
If I plant compact fluorescent bulbs (from Holland) now, how many more will I have in the spring??

The first year there will only be the same number, the second year, if you are lucky you may get double the quantity.

Why do you think Phillips [fluorescent tube manufacturers] have their 'plant' in Eindhoven Holland.

Philips announces new ranges of energy saving fluorescent lighting for buildings with combined potential to save the European Union 2-5 billion Euros and 8 million tonnes of CO2 p/a.
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My first job was in Philips' "plant" in Canada designing and making car radios.
The only things that grew were the production volume, my salary and my experience.
I was never sent to Holland but many Dutch engineers came to Canada.

I had a very cute and accurate drafting girl. She was very distracting.
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