general µcontroller programming

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New Member
hi there,
i am a lay man in the field of micro controllers please can any one send me the general programming for an µc
mostly used by students for their project i.e µc 8051
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The "programming" (by which I assume you mean language, tools, etc) will depend entirely on the chip you decide to use. To start with I can recommend something like a 16F628 or 16F628A which is what I'm using - an excellent tutorial for these chips is available at .

hi there,
i am a lay man in the field of micro controllers please can any one send me the general programming for an µc

Which microcontroller do you want to do?

Currently for the hobbyist/student market, the PIC 16/18F and the 8051 is commonly used.

If you want to learn PIC, get the Junebug kit or the PICKit 2 with the Low-Pin Count board and read up some tutorials online.
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