but I already have a 8051 haha I do not want to use arduino because I do not want to buy all simply and since at home I have a 8051, I do what I have with me
but I already have a 8051 haha I do not want to use arduino because I do not want to buy all simply and since at home I have a 8051, I do what I have with me
but I already have a 8051 haha I do not want to use arduino because I do not want to buy all simply and since at home I have a 8051, I do what I have with me
But you are going to need MANY peripheral components... The stepper drivers just have digital input, so no problem.. But the 8051 has a miserable memory capacity... You will need SRAM and extra program memory... Maybe you can find a derivative with 2k RAM and 32K ROM but good luck with that... BTW which 8051 do you have... Older style parallel memory is getting dearer to get hold of.. I know that the CNC program in the Arduino only just fits... AND it runs at 16Mhz.... There is a reason people don't use the 8051.... HOWEVER!! If you are a die hard... GitHub has a 8051CNC project.
no no, this is the first time i'm on this forum haha i was seeing and actually we have more or less the same problem but i just want to drive my engines with an 8051, i think i have no need for external devices because the other person wants to create a library GRBL and I just want to drive my 3 stepper motors (https://www.adafruit.com/product/324)
Why are they incorrect and misleading? How is he gong to drive the engines without an external devce = transistor? It might be better to program it in assembler.
As for converting from Arduino to C, that is function dependant, different compilers do things in a different way. The same functions may not apply for a different compiler. You need to select and post the compiler first.
here is doing a little research, I see that I will not use the 8051 and raspberry pi because it is too complicated
so what I would like to do is to control my CNC with an Arduino without the library GRBL that already exists .. it is to simply write in C language on arduino to control my CNC with atmel studio.
here is doing a little research, I see that I will not use the 8051 and raspberry pi because it is too complicated
so what I would like to do is to control my CNC with an Arduino without the library GRBL that already exists .. it is to simply write in C language on arduino to control my CNC with atmel studio.