Generator of 3f,5f,7f sinusoidal voltages needed

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New Member
I am making a ckt. that will generate sinusoidal voltages at frquencies 3f,5f,7f from a given sine voltage of frequency f.How do I go about it?

I am thinking of using the identity sin3wt=sinwt cos2wt + sin2wt coswt
and sin2wt=2 sinwt coswt. And so on.For this I need a Sine-Sine multiplier
ckt or IC.Kindly tell me what to use.

In the PLL approach, I need a PLL containing sine generating VCO.Which IC do I use.(Is such an IC available in PSpice)
In order to answer your question, I would have to do a Google search for analog multiplier IC or sinewave VCO IC. Why don't you do that?
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