German ipad

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More like Swiss actually (.ch in the address).

But yes, very cool, if only it were for real.

On a related note, I thought the young lady in the video was quite sweet.
Very easy on the eyes for an old git like me.

Doesn't work for me now either. Must have been taken down.

It showed an adept magician who made it appear that objects on the ipad screen could be realized. In one case, he picked a leg from a gingerbread man and gave it to the somewhat surprised customer to eat. And yes, the young, blue-eyed lady who had the most time on screen was quite easy on the eyes.

Hi all,

the link still works - even in Thailand.

You must have overlooked a small, but important detail.

It's hard to read for persons not speaking German or Swiss German.

The small icon says: "Verstehen Sie Spass?" (literally translated: Do you understand fun (humor)?)

There was a similar thing on TV with a BMW Isetta driving up at a gas station: The tank of that vehicle normally takes max 20.

The driver left the car and the scene telling the attendant to fill it completely. He stopped filling when his gauge told him 20l.

When the driver appeared he told the attendant: "I told you to fill it completely! I just see 20 lousy liters on the gauge."

He kept on filling and stopped at 140l with the tank not being full. Then he went around the vehicle looking a possible tank leak but there was none.

The tank was full at 250l leaving back a completely screwed up service man: D

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Thanks for the advice. When I first placed the link, it worked without any additinal clicks.

As for German advertisements, some are very funny -- much better than what we get on American TV. One I particularly like has a terrorist using a VW for a car bomb. Of course when the bomb goes off, the car just shakes a little, but doesn't explode.

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