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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

getting an electronics job

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New Member
Finished my electronics degree (yeah!) only to realise how incredibly difficult it is to find a position anywhere, considering a complete career change altogether if things don't start happening soon.
Has anyone else been through this and how on earth did you manage to get your job :? ?
ag said:
Finished my electronics degree (yeah!) only to realise how incredibly difficult it is to find a position anywhere, considering a complete career change altogether if things don't start happening soon.
Has anyone else been through this and how on earth did you manage to get your job :? ?

Perhaps you might try filling your location in?, there's not much point it getting advice from the other side of the world?.
ag said:
Finished my electronics degree (yeah!) only to realise how incredibly difficult it is to find a position anywhere, considering a complete career change altogether if things don't start happening soon.
Has anyone else been through this and how on earth did you manage to get your job :? ?

Yes i agree with you there. It is very hard to find a job in the electronics industry if your a graduate straight out of university. Most companies look for experienced professionals although i have seen the odd advertisement for graduates. This would be a really good oportunity to get your foot on the employment ladder. The only way i got around it is i got my job as an apprentice and now my company sends me to uni once a week.

Like nigel said we cant really help you if you dont tell us where you live. If your within the UK you can try fish4jobs.

good luck

Finished my electronics degree (yeah!)

Also, What kind of Electronics Degree?

And if you can't Find a job, Maybe you should become "Self-Employed" and make your own job.

This worked for me.
ag said:
Finished my electronics degree (yeah!) only to realise how incredibly difficult it is to find a position anywhere, considering a complete career change altogether if things don't start happening soon.
Has anyone else been through this and how on earth did you manage to get your job :? ?

SOunds like you want to give up too easy. Post your resume on I dont understand the rational behind considering a complete career change because you havnt found a job yet. I understand getting a non electronics related job to pay your bills but the career you selected is presumably something you want to do for the rest of your working life so.. if you cant find a job right away, your willing to throw away your dream career? I dont get it. Keep hunting and tell us more info as previously requested.
Well in the UK certain compaines get afilliated with certain Universities.
That is only useful if you specialies in the field of interest of the connection

I was lucky Notts were power-electronics based and were connected with TRW so it was pretty good for me. Others however (since I was the only one out of 60 to goto power) found it hard and most went to london into banking
check northrup crumman or loched martin they have many contracts avalible for people with your skill set Northrop Grumman Redirect would be a good start. my problem is where to go to school i know where to get the job. i am in Maryland usa there are so many jobs but i only have the electricians experiance. even as a master electrcian i can not get one of these jobs. i wish i had your experience
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