Getting Back in the game

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Well-Known Member
Getting back in the gameEdit

Wow 10 years or more and this forum has gone to pot just trying to make a post

anyway here is my quest 8 bit assemble programs so the lcd can be done and pwm examples allk done in Linux
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This post is just a bit scattered and incoherent. Could you possibly take another crack at describing what it is you want to do?
Wow 10 years or more and this forum has gone to pot just trying to make a post
Yep.. EM has been gone for quite a bit now.. Americans are in charge now.

LCD assembler examples/ routines for 8 bit interface.. What micro? Pic or other.
Pretty sure you used to mess with Pics..
I think Nigel's examples are all 4 bit but easy to convert.

Anyways, Good to see you back.
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