getting codes from ADC then transfering to rams

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New Member
I am doing up a project right now and, what i am requiring help is that I need to transfer my analogue data into a digital form and then transmit the data to the rams for storage. when the data is required by the Radio frequency Identification(RFID) Tag, i will sent the data to it.
does anyone knows how to move the data from the rams to the RFID tags?
real desperate and drastic measure here now
In the only RF tag system that I used, the RF tag used the
I2C bus. so my micro collected the data from the ADC,
wrote it to memory, and then when the RF became active
and the device was being addressed, it would respond with
its measurements.
crust said:
In the only RF tag system that I used, the RF tag used the
I2C bus. so my micro collected the data from the ADC,
wrote it to memory, and then when the RF became active
and the device was being addressed, it would respond with
its measurements.

If he doesn't have a canned bus available and has to design his own, he could consider using a cpld and code an interface from the RFID to the RAM device. I've done RAM interfaces like this in VHDL and they usually involve only a small state machine clocked by a micro or fpga or similar.
If you do not know VHDL, you can go to and get drop in code made specifically for things like this (they even have I2C)
and now i am having a microcontroller. the specific controller is the semiems C167. now i have to write a program in c and convert the codes to my design. the raw data that i have acquired from my op amp is being transfered to the microP and collected in the internal rams. does anyone have any idea of the codes that i can write? Any websites that i can visit to get some codes on my programs??
please help and thanks lots for all the comments
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