giant EMP.. hoax or real?

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tcmtech said:
I have often pondered on what type of mark I could make in history if I truly applied my knowledge and skills shortly after going off the deep end.
You aren't the only one =) Such fantasy is healthy thinking/moral exercising if you ask me.

dr peppers said:
which is a little worrying when you think that technology is advacing to the point where its possible to make effective weapons in ones garage.

Doesn't worry me in the slightest, man has had effective tools for death and dismemberment since the invention of the rock... There are instinctive thought processes for species survivability which keep this immediate availability of technology from causing us to self destruct. Every now and then a fault or event occurs in an individual where this boundary is crossed.

Even in large political groups everyone that has a big rock has an eye out for everyone else that has a big rock, and if anyone uses their big rock to smash anyone else that might endanger the entire group then instinct kicks in and all the other big rocks take out the one that's causing trouble.

There are already plenty of examples of mass murderers from the dozens to hundreds to even thousands or millions. They don't last long and all 'normal' individuals abhor this type of behavior on a very basic level.
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On the subject of terrorism, anyone else get creeped out by the perennial requests on ETO for circuits triggered off cell phones?

They invariably want to operate a relay or drive transistor with some unspecified load. They want to connect it to the speaker, or the ringer, sometimes with a delay of a few minutes. The post will be from a new user you never hear from again. I always feel like asking "Who are you trying to blow up?"
On the subject of terrorism, anyone else get creeped out by the perennial requests on ETO for circuits triggered off cell phones?

Nope! Always happy to help the useless garbage of the world become more efficient at eliminating itself.

Besides how hard is it to figure out that all you need to do is get a small relay that works at the same voltage as the vibrator motor and use that to trigger whatever larger devices from that.
Toss a 555 monostable circuit in between the cell phone motor power circuit and the relay and the next thing you know BOOM your good to go!

Anyone need a link for where to buy 3 volt relays?
i did a search and only found 3 or 4 threads that might be such a request, and those were back in 2005 and 2006 sometime. the majority of cell phone related topics seem to be 1)cell phone chargers 2) how to connect a cell phone to a PC through a USB cable 3) cell phone jammers (those in themselves make good fodder for Marvin the Martian awards) and 4) methods of attaching LEDs, external amplifiers /speakers, etc as ring indicators (i.e. you leave your cell phone on a desk with an external amp/speakers while you go to do yard work or whatever, and when the cell phone rings, you can hear it outside, or see an LED flashing, or whatever), and 5) what kinds of gadgets can be made from the guts of old cell phones (like reusing the speaker, microphone, etc). #4 type questions were usually specific enough about the project that it seemed they were'nt asking how to build something dangerous. that's not to say there aren't such questions popping up from time to time, but usually people that would be asking such questions, probably wouldn't ask them in so public a forum.
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that's odd, i did a search for "phone" with message text search, and it didn't bring that one up.... and the word "phone" is in the body of the first one...

i got 7 pages of threads with the word "phone" mentioned in the thread, and only 3 or 4 remotely like that one...
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Nope! Always happy to help the useless garbage of the world become more efficient at eliminating itself.
LOL. That would be fine if they only eliminated themselves. Unfortunately that's rarely the case and it's the innocent who suffer. A similar situation arises with drunken drivers involved in horrific car pile-ups, from which they walk away unscathed.
Yeah? Suppose somebody hands you a cellphone and takes off running - WHAT DO?

Follow him of course!

I never did follow the desire for the 40 virgins part they give for a reward either. The math just doesn't work for me.

40 pokes spread out over eternity? That just does not seem like something to die for if you really think about it.
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