Hi guys, i have gimbal pcb that ive been fixing. Main issue was blown mosfets and charger converter(SC8906). Thats replaced and pcb is now kinda working. I can charge battery via USB C and board is not drawing any current when its not on.
Now, issue is when i click power button there is like 0.015A draw but nothing happens. Ive traced tracks and i believe there is pull up resistor from battery positive connected to power button (shown on image as thin red track). I was able to figure out that button push will pull to ground that line and mosfets will conduct. Before button there is component which i believe is dual diode. Same one is present right above mosfets ive traced it and its going to microcontroller. When i click button that line goes to ground and its connected to gate of the 2 mosfets. While i hold power button i have voltages marked on coils but not On LED light. When i let go of the button i lose those voltages.
I would appreciate if someone is familiar with this sort of issue and can guide me to troubleshoot.
View attachment PCB.png