give me a proj puleeze!!!!!!!!!!!

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The thing I most admire about America is that she cut the cord. I often feel more like an orphan than a 'Canadian.'
America went on to greatness; we just caught all the fish and sent them home to Mama England.
But ONCE, we kicked America's butt. That's why the white house it white, eh!
Thinking on I've never trained with an American?
I once attended a week long intensive training with an American Sensi and his team. They were the most gentle kittens outside of the dojo, but inside they were the most ferocious tigers! Most of them were marines. I wouldn't want to P off one of them!
BeeBop said:
But ONCE, we kicked America's butt. That's why the white house it white, eh!

I was wondering when the war of 1812 would be brought up. Canadian/British troops ran roughshod over Washington and burnt down the Whitehouse and several other important buildings. Left a pretty wide wake of destruction on the way there also. This all but avoided in teaching of American History.
Even that, is attributed to the British!
The Burning of Washington is the name given to the razing of Washington, D.C., by British forces during the War of 1812.
It would be worth some research, but I think more than half of our university professorship is British. Few are Canadian.
Most of our culture is imported.
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