Gmail and tabbed browsers

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Well-Known Member
Gmail opens a new tab in Firefox every time I click on the Home icon. I tried unsuccessfully to find a way to disable this. Any ideas?
Does anyone know if this also happens in IE7?
What is your homepage?
Have you enabled open link in new tab?

It doesn't do so in FF v2.x... Open link in new tab is disabled (i use middle mouse button to do that).
bloody-orc said:
What is your homepage?
Have you enabled open link in new tab?

It doesn't do so in FF v2.x... Open link in new tab is disabled (i use middle mouse button to do that).
My home page is subscribed threads on this forum.
There are 2 options in Firefox 2.0: Open link in new tab or in new page. I changed to Open link in new window and I still get another Gmail tab when I click the Home icon.
maybe it's time to switch browsers

IIRC one can set two homepages (or more) to open at once. See, if you have only one or maybe 2 (the gmail being the second one).
Gayan, that works. However, I don't want Google as my home page. When I leave the blank page for startup, but make my home page subscribed threads in this forum, the same thing occurs as before.
Has anyone else tried changing their home page to subscribed threads in this forum?

Damned strange. After experimenting with Gayan's suggestion, I changed my home page back to subscribed threads in this forum, and the problem went away.

Bloody orc had the answer. The home page setting is for all tabs existing when the "Use Current Pages" button is clicked. I had missed the "s" in "Pages".
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