Going away for a few days.

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Nigel Goodwin

Super Moderator
Most Helpful Member
Just to let you all know I'm going away for a few days, so probably won't be back on until later on in the week. I'm off to Durham to see my daughter, and then spend a few days travelling round - for example I'm going to visit Lindisfarne while I'm up that way.

Interestingly, living as far from the sea as you can in the UK, I was checking the times you can cross the causeway to Holy Island - I'm stunned by how much it changes per day But thinking about it, as the moon is a 28 day cycle, it's going to change a good bit in 24 hours.
Nigel...you also need a break from time to time

Ze Forum can be pretty demanding. Will miss you

Your old tv sparring partner...


I really can lay it on if I want to...stay well and travel safetly Champ.

Already looking forward to your return
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I have friends in Durham... Nice part of the world... Have a good time!
Pink Panther country eh?
(For those who do not know the VERY old joke, I will explain if requested).

I will also be off on my travels in a week or so, a little bit further afield, Germany to be precise.

Pink Panther country eh?
(For those who do not know the VERY old joke, I will explain if requested).

I will also be off on my travels in a week or so, a little bit further afield, Germany to be precise.


So now, what about Moderation????
Two of you decide to take a break at the same time.

Who is going to look after me

Planning, planning. I give up.

Uncared for tvtech
So now, what about Moderation????
Two of you decide to take a break at the same time.

Who is going to look after me

Planning, planning. I give up.

Uncared for tvtech

Ian and I will still be here, though I'm afraid all of the hard work will have to fall on Ian....
Who is going to look after me
I have laptop PC which I will be taking with me.
Hotels have WiFi.
I vill be vatching you! (Viz der silly German accent).

Have a safe and enjoyable trip. I recently spent a few weeks visiting friends and last week went out of town for a funeral. My wife claims since I retired I am gone more than home.

Well not I'm here much these days I will also be off until next weekend as I'm flying out to a minesite for work. Now Nigel if you drive past West Hartlypool hospital thats where I was born nearly 50 years ago and being born a Jordie the only reminder I have of the place 'County Durham' is guy's saying why did you guy's hang that poor monkey......
I have laptop PC which I will be taking with me.
Hotels have WiFi.
I vill be vatching you! (Viz der silly German accent).


Vatch and enjoy your break Jim. I.must.behave.myself.while.Jim.is.away.

All the best,
Have a good trip Nigel.

Here's one for bryan1, although he may not remember the accent.......

Q. What's the difference between a "Kangaroo" and a "Kangaroot"?

A. One is an Australian marsupial and the other is a Geordie stuck in a lift (Elevator).

LOL, incidentally, it is Nigels birthday today too!!!

Happy Birthday Nigel

OK, here's a few sample pictures:

First Lindisfarne Castle on Holy Island, second Bamburgh Castle (directly across from Holy Island), third my daughter sat on a stone throne at Bamburgh Castle, fourth a picture of High Force waterfall on the River Tees.


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Hi Nigel. Welcome back!!!....two problems though...well only one that matters...

Melissa is sitting sideways on a sideways chair...made from stone. Something just not right with that.....

And the other one is the less important "road or castle" ahead. My neck is sore from trying to visualize it like you saw it. For the life of me, I canno't rotate the photo. Something with the xenForo software not playing game..

Oh, before I forget, Melissa is tired of the Stone Chair and as you know stone is COLD.

Maybe XP and xenForo don't play well together anymore with photo's...Just though I would mention it as I use XP and no one else has mentioned any viewing problems with those two images....

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