Good 555 timer tutorial.

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I also like when you get better it has formulas for finding the frequency of the square wave
Ditto on that tut

Thought I had deja-vu for a moment. If I started searching on that Can part number again, I would have just walked Email alerts can be confusing it seems..haha

Tony vanRoon's site from Univ. of Guelph is without a doubt the most colorful electronics site on the Internet! It's very pretty!
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Tony vanRoon's site from Univ. of Guelph is without a doubt the most colorful electronics site on the Internet! It's very pretty!

Absolutely, it got me started with Digital electronics (I did a simple counter thingy, working with the 74LS47 and the 74LS90, with the ne555 providing the Astable)
Nice one Usif, takes me back to my childhood, building binary up/down counters-to-7 segment displays, my mother would show off to her friends with my magical creations
Who needs a 555 now that microcontrollers are cheap.
Last time I checked, the cheapest 555 is cheaper than the cheapest micro and can directly drive relays

If all you want to do is flash an LED, beep a piezo or turn a relay on for ten seconds a 555 is perfect. I wouldn't even consider a micro for something so basic, unless there are other requirements.
You'd have to be pretty silly to use an MCU if all you want is a 30 second timer relay or a flashing LED.
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