Google Problem Solved

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Bob Scott

New Member
For the past few months I have had a problem navigating this site with Internet Explorer. In particular was having to click the "Back" button twice before navigation to the previous Electrotech page would work. Looking at recent entries in my "history", instead of the Electrotech site I woud see the entry "".

I suppose that your Electrotech site has some agreement with Google marketing?
It's either that or I have somehow loaded some Google spamware by not clicking an opt out option somewhere. But I think that is unlikely. The problem only occurs when I'm connected to the "electro-tech-online" site.

In any case I have found a solution. If anyone else is affected, do this:

Click on the "Tools" menu.
Click on "Internet Options".
Click the "security" tab.
Click on the "restricted Sites" icon.
Click on the "Sites" button.
Add "" to the list.

There! No more navigation delays with Electrotech from f!@#$ Google.
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What version of Internet Explorer are you using? It likely wasn't Google's fault, no other users I have seen have reported this error (but I'm just a user)

The expletive Google should probably be replaced by an expletive Internet Explorer.
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At last, this has been bugging me for the last 4 months. Thank you.

I reported it 4 months ago. See this thread.

Hi Bob,

Thanks for that fix. Well done! I had the same issue. It was annoying to say the least. I use IE 8.06 with XP Pro.

That solved that problem. "Back", now works like it should.
Hi Bob, I've experienced this problem with while navigating other sites as well. I'm gonna try your fix when I get back home.
I'd still blame it on IE not Google, as it's the only browser effected.

I'd still blame it on google not I.E. as it's the only site that causes the problem.

Joking aside, it appears to be a combination of the two and therefore it's not logical to choose one over the other.

Anyway, I'm just glad a fix was found. Thanks again Bob.

I wouldn't blame IE. Software is merely a tool to use for a purpose. People can choose to use those tools for good or evil. It appears that the tool was used in an unsavory way.
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Pommie, IE is the only browser that presents the problem unless there are users that use a different browser that have reported the same issue. No users of any other browser show the same issue with the Google ads. By pure logic it's IE, not Google. Mainly because IE has had many incompatibility issues in the past. Strangely enough Google's Chrome browser is starting to experience the same issues.

If you have 10 eyes, and only one eye sees blue when the color is green to the other 9, who do you blame? The one eye, or the color?
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Sceadwian, google is the only site that presents the problem!!!

If you have ten oranges and one appears green, who do you blame, orange or eyes?

The problem is clearly the combination of the two and so to blame either is not logical.

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I did a small experiment. I removed "" from the vast list of restricted sites.
The problem came back of course.
I added just "" to the list.
That solved the problem again.

I think that possibly the party to blame for our problem may not be IE or Google. If I recall correctly, "doubleclick" is a name that appears on many cookies. It may be this cookie generating spam site "doubleclick" is attempting to hijack personal preference information from a Google file. ie: Micromarketing sales leads.
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