Googling parts or circuits

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Many times people have said here that they couldn’t find a part or circuit on Google. I may have found out why.
I used to be on AOL which said there search engine was powered by Google. I always found it uncooperative and could seldom find what I wanted.
Months ago I searched for “thermal fuse” until I just gave up. Now I am using Bellsouth DSL, Internet Explorer and real Google. Today I searched for “thermal fuse” and got pages of hits and found out that it is also known as TCO, thermal cut out. TCO is a good keyword at Digikey and they have them in stock.
I don’t know about other ISPs but when people say that they couldn’t find a part or circuit on Google, you might tell them to use real Google. There is a big difference.

Also, anyone paying $24.95 for AOL should check their pricing plan. Unlimited use is now $9.95. If you switch ISPs you can keep your E-mail addresses for free and have them all forwarded to Outlook Express. (Much faster)
When someone says Google it they mean use Google. Powered by Google only means they use the same software as google does, not the same database, huge difference.
Also give a thought to those in countries which have internet censorship and thought police.
I recently spent a few weeks in a far eastern country* and Google would not display many innocuous (spelling?) sites (oil industry related) which I know I can view in the UK.
As for AOL, I would not thank you for it.


* A former British colony which has just celebrated 50 years of independance.
JimB. If you frequent such countries, look into things like remote access to a computer you have at home which is impossible to censor (as long as basic cryptography is used) or other forms of proxy service (connecting to one website which filters and redirects content from another) It's almost trivial to completly bypass such filtering services if you want.
Sceadwian: Where I was working, (an oil company office), there was no real problem with Google, but their IT system would not allow me to send e-mail via my own provider. As I was just visiting I was not on the internal IT system, just had an internet connection at my desk.

At the hotel however, using the internet connection in the room, there was no problem connecting to my e-mail provider, but some sites I needed to look at were blocked.

Electro-tech was not blocked, thankfully.

I use a multi-engine browser such as Copernic which provides me with about a dozen search engines working simultaneously.

A fine example of why AOL is garbage.
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