Who says it's "wrong". It depends on the rules used to program your calculator. Who is the arbiter of right and wrong? Be careful who you allow to be the owner of truth...
Its weird... People put brackets in... No it does brackets first. 12/2x6 if you write 12 / (2x6) you introduced more to the sum. Calculators run left to right I remember BODMAS Then they said BOMDAS.. then they said BIDMAS now its PEMDAS... BUT when helping my 12 year old grandson school said no.
a-b+c is a-b then add c... Its is obviously said that b+c then a - total... XXXX wrong... Go figure
The theory from Wikipedia is that people know to add parenthesis or not based on the context of the discussion and these meme equations are simply "gotcha" games. Note also that each calculator (from photo in the margins of the Wikipedia link) will give different results.
No, I code, and would read it the correct way, with the answer 36. If there was any doubt, I'd stick brackets round the first part as it should be evaluated left to right.
Whilst it is possible to get the correct result using the BODMAS mantra, my own opinion and what I use in practice is to put brackets to remove any ambiguity.