Got Monk? (Part 2)

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Good news for Monk fans...

Monk is coming back with a new Monk movie some time this December. Keep an eye out

Good news for Monk fans...

Monk is coming back with a new Monk movie some time this December. Keep an eye out

Thanks for letting us know! I'm a bit of a fan, though it is not one of my favorites. I still enjoy watching it now and then
Never heard of it!... Is it an American thing?

Yes - OCD, Asperger's, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Hyperactivity, Attention Deficit, etc. are all popular here in America, and often referred to as a "designer illness". They invent a new one every few years. They fulfill two basic needs: 1. People want to feel special. 2. They want a medical excuse for their bad behavior.
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