Got quite alarming letter today

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Well-Known Member
Nice turn to mine day, got letter from dept collection office, claiming dept of around 400€ from undue rent.
Now then, what is alarming, is i've NEWER even heard of this company i'm in dept for!
Well i called there just while ago, assigment number and such are correct, situation is under inspection now.
I tried to call that company too i'm in dept for, but they're at vacation due new year.

Letter 'aint fake, all data is correct, checked from dept office....

SO, how was YOUR day?
Oh what now???

Just when I thought I had problems...somebody else has even more stuff to deal with
Keep in touch FEZ

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I think some music is called for to take our minds off stuff:

still alive ;D lol, bought bundle of mains-voltage stuff (connectors, breakers and stuff for c-mount, sorry dunno what it is in english) for cheap, too bad it doesn't many end-locks....
at least something good, found pretty good DMM, at least IMO, costed 36€ (new 100€ +vat & shipping)
**broken link removed**

(no TRMS but at least reliable and SAFE so operate.)
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^^^^ that is why your Rent is in arrears.
Too many gadgets

Never mind...I just had to say it

Hi Fezder, On a more serious note, let me see if I understand your predicament. You have used some terms that seem to have lost something in translation. So I will try to describe it in my own words:

You rent an apartment/dwelling and are a little behind on your rent. 400 euro in the US would be about 1 month's rent, maybe two. You got a letter from a debt collection company that you had never heard of. If that is correct, the good part is that you hadn't heard of the company before, so you probably don't have terrible credit. The bad is that the landlord turned you over to an expert to collect the rent. That has already cost the landloard 30 to 50% of the amount due. He will not be happy with you regardless of the outcome.

In the US, there are strict laws on what a debt collection agency can do, BUT you need to assert your rights before many of those laws have teeth. For example, the agency may contact your family, friends, employer and so forth, unless you send it a demand letter (usually, but not necessarily by an attorney) telling the debt collector not do make any further contacts. Once that letter is received by the debt collector, further contacts of that nature can expose the collector and landlord to serious liability.

Real Estate law in the US is very complex and varies significantly by state. I suspect such laws in Finland are equally complex because of the state's interest in protecting both investors' interests and renters from being thrown out into the cold to become burdens on the state. The simple advice is to see an attorney. But that can be expensive. I suspect there are government agencies that can advise you, but not represent you. I suggest seeing such an agency. If you were in the US, I would suggest getting that cease and desist letter sent tomorrow, if not sooner. There are horror stories of innocent people getting caught in the credit reporting mess that comes back to haunt them many years later. One important thing to be able to show in US courts is that you have made and are making a sincere effort to pay what you owe.

BTW, sending such letters just before a holiday is not accidental. It is a calculated, psychological tactic to make you feel off balance.

Good luck.

Why is his rent in our ears?


Arrears, ears....same stuff

Things are getting noisy here. I was going to start a "Happy New Year" thread. smokes left and all. So I will just cruise into 2015 and let one of you do it.

Love you all. And may 2015 be filled with happiness for each and every one of you (especially applicable to South Africans)...jokes..
ETO has been the stability my life needed over the past Year.

I cannot thank you all enough. Just so many good people that hang out here.

Love you all,
I only had one experience with a debt collector and it wasn't pleasant especially when your right and nothing was wrong. The debt company is only interested in collecting money, NOT resolving the issue.

In my case, another person with a similar first name and identical last name was the problem. A call to the dental office cleared everything up.
In my case, another person with a similar first name and identical last name was the problem. A call to the dental office cleared everything up.
i have strong feeling this is the case with me too...hopefully, but, i'm willing to pay up, rather to go to court!
and jpan, thanks for your input, had to read that post couple times pun intended, you gotta understand, english 'aint my native language (but it has progressed, no?)
Don't deal with the collection company, deal with the source.

Two things, in simple English:

1) If Finland has the equivalent of the US "cease and desist" letter, do it. You may be completely innocent, but without sending that letter (in the US), you can be harassed, your reputation ruined, and you have almost no recourse.
2) Once the letter is sent, deal with the source as KISS says. Dealing with the collection agency will be futile.

Think it through. If you have been a good tenant, the source doesn't want to lose you over a misunderstanding.

called the source today, and alarming it is indeed. all data that they have, are correct, even social number! and it's signed by me. They sent me this contract i have supposedly signed, and then, i can (and probadly will) make police issue. someone has fiddled with my personal information. but, HOW, and WHEN? geez...
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