GPIO on USB microcontroller

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Well I've already started looking at some PIC tutorials, but I just want to know if I can latch a byte or bytes to the GPIO pins, thats all.
Well I've already started looking at some PIC tutorials, but I just want to know if I can latch a byte or bytes to the GPIO pins, thats all.

Read what the datasheet says, that's what it's there for - it's not a programmable device, so the datasheet tells you everything it can do.
I have read the datasheet and it does not say whether or not I can latch a byte to it. And its not just the PL2303HX chip, almost every USB controller datasheet that I look at has GPIO pins but doesn't tell me if I can latch a byte to it. I just figured the GPIO pins have the same use across all USB controllers and I just want to get the general convention.
Well, there's at least some progress on the requirement front (i.e. from packets to now a byte). It is hard for people to help if the purpose, and or description of what's to be accomplished isn't conveyed, or overly vague. Is it for led's?, communication to another IC chip?, PC control only?, microcontroller involvement?

This newish USB to Uart chip MCP2200 says it can read and write to its onboard 8 bit GPIO port, from the PC software side. Example in documentation. Not as flexible as the FTDI chip, plus no onboard oscillator either.

From the feature list:

Synchronous and asynchronous bit bang mode interface options with RD# and WR# strobes allow the data bus to be used as a general purpose I/O port.

If you want to simply latch data to a port, then yuse the PIC based UBW, which is designed for that exact purpose.
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