gps question

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New Member
Hi all,

I am new to this message board but i suppose my question it isn't

I have the original oopic microcontroler bought by acroname company.What i want to do is to connect a gps on it.What i have heard is that for this specific microcontroller garmin gps is not compatible since it is too fast for it!Also the gps made by the same company is too expensive(about 300$ :shock: ).

Has anyone tried something that works?

thanks in advance

I've never used either, but as far as I'm aware the output form a Garmin GPS is a fairly low speed serial one - what baud rates will the Oopic work at?.
As i can see in the site:
The serial communication (SC) module provides a high-speed serial communication port capable of communicating at 1200, 2400, 9600 and 31250 BPS.

I found out that any Garmin or otherwise commercially available GPS, It's serial NMEA stream is too fast for the OOPic to load into a buffer. A basic stamp can do it, but I know very-very little on programming the Basic Stamp(Pbasic).
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