Graphic LCD with PICbasic pro

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Hi,i want to learn how can i write on graphic LCD? How can i make custom characters? How can i make new fonts in other languages? This is may first time. I bought TS12864A-2 v1.1 graphic LCD.I use PICbasic pro 2.5 and PIC16F877A.could you send me a PDF file or website that help me(PIC projects with graphic LCD)? I also could not find the complete datasheet of the LCD.
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How can i make custom characters? How can i make new fonts in other languages?
Any answer?
Did a quick Google. Found what I think is the correct datasheet. It should help you get started.

I haven't read through the datasheet enough to say whether the character generator can use custom characters. If it won't then you'll have to build your own font and code up a way to display it properly in graphic mode.

View attachment 12864_datasheet.pdf
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thanks,it is very useful,could you send me some examples in pibasic or a website that has some project about graphic LCD and PIC microcontrollers?
thanks but it's in C and i use picbasic pro 2.5.could you send me something like this in picbasic?
thanks but it's in C and i use picbasic pro 2.5.could you send me something like this in picbasic?
Nope. You can't even read C enough to understand it? If not I guess you Google for code.

Here's a link to the KS0108 datasheet.

Found the company and the exact product. It's made by Shenzhen Techstar Electronics Co., Ltd. Here's the **broken link removed**. There's a datasheet link there, but it downloads an unknown type file that I can't read so far.

EDIT: I figured out the datasheet file. It's a RAR file, but has no rar extension. After adding the extension and unrarring it, the filename is illegal. After fixing that I have a datasheet for you. I love Google! View attachment TS12864A-2.pdf
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let's see this, i think i find the complete datasheet:


  • TS12864A-2(blue).pdf
    259.9 KB · Views: 7,131
Looks like you find the right one Amindzo. Keep Futz's links handy too, they give you more informations, which are always welcome...

Maybe not a bad idea to have a look at this calc too
Hi again,imagine that i want to write "A" on this LCD,could you send me a sample code with picbasic pro that help me to know how can i work with this LCD?
could you explain more about graphic LCD? what is X,Y and Z address? how can i write on LCD? how can i make custom fonts on LCD?
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