Graphic Programming

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I have used simple 2x16 LCD (black and white, alphanumeric) in past.
Now I would like to move one step ahead, and use some LCD or mini graphic display in which I can control the colors, and be able to draw lines, circles, and have menu.
I see many hand held electronic games which kids play with, that have those features and they are cheap.
I am planning to use PICs and I program in "C".
I am confused and do not know where to start from.
I appreciate any suggestions.


Graphic LCD's aren't as easy, because there isn't just one standard - but the most common is Toshiba, a friend of mine has some details at .
There are quite a few cheap monochrome, single tone graphics displays around (most all based on the T6963C controller, a few SED1330).

Color is much more of a problem. You MUST get one with a built-in controller or you are in for a large design and a great deal of wires on a controller chip, basically this is not practical. Unfortunately, the ones with built-in controller are not at all cheap.

I've been wondering about those cheap toys with color displays, I doubt the controller is removeable with the screen. I think they usually they build the controller into the processor nowadays.

You'd think that with all these color LCDs in cheap products, you'd be able to find one cheap on the surplus market. So far, this does not seem to be the case.
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