Graphical LCD

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New Member
have you any experiance please with 128 x 64 graphical LCD .....20 pin

i want run it with PIC16f877 , i know the wiring but i need a simple program ,

i'm using PICBASIC and MikroC
thank you for this nice link , but unforunatly he works woth assmebly , and the source file is HEX one ,

i'm looking for a simple program , may be just to show a sentance or draw a line , picbasic or Mikro C
watzmann said:
thank you for this nice link , but unforunatly he works woth assmebly , and the source file is HEX one ,

i'm looking for a simple program , may be just to show a sentance or draw a line , picbasic or Mikro C
His source is C. The links are there. Read carefully. His C and hex links are right on top of each other. Watch the status bar as you mouse over the links.
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watzmann said:
nice , so we can help eachother

which langiage and compiler you use ?
I'll probably put it on my dsPIC30F4013 and use C30 C. Or maybe on a 16F877 with PICC Lite. Or maybe on a 18F452 or 18F4620 in assembler. I have tons of different PICs. Not sure which one to use...
i'm going to use 16f877 , i have many of it ,

here is my first program which still contain an error but i'll try to solve it :

void main() {

Glcd_Init(PORTB, 2, 0, 3, 5, 7, 1, PORTD);

Glcd_Set_Font(@FontSystem5x8, 5, 8, 32);

// Draw Line
Glcd_Write_Text("Lines", 0, 0, 1);

Glcd_Line(0, 0, 127, 59, 2);



bytheway , have you any experiance of how to connect the PS2 , keyboard with PIC
Your compiler must come with a glcd library. I'm pretty sure mine doesn't, so I'll write my own.

bytheway , have you any experiance of how to connect the PS2 , keyboard with PIC
I have a book with a whole chapter about it. Lots of good detail. **broken link removed**
believe mikroelektronika that makes your MikroC has examples for the graphic LCD, found this link:
**broken link removed**
Try taking out Glcd_Set_Font(@FontSystem5x8, 5, 8, 32), or maybe you can take out the @ before FontSystem5x8.
Thought this might be of interest. See attachment


  • GraphicLcdPrinciples.pdf
    87.4 KB · Views: 450
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