I can draw a line, change it color, width, then change one end, then connect it to another line. (vector editing)
I can see videos of other people drawing very fast.
In the youtube video I can see that I can make a cube in 1 second. But I want a cube 1"x1"x2". And now I know I can type that into a window.
Then I want to connect another cube to one edge of the first. And with a mouse it is hard for me. In CAD programs I can attach objects, define where they are and move 0.01". I just can't see how it works in Sketch. On the video they just push two objects together. But when I do it one will be slightly inside the other. Or they will not align. And moving some small amount until they connect just does not work. I think my problem is I came from pre-mouse CAD. Where you typed "cube, 1.0,1.0,2.0 at 3,7,9" and it works. In the "simple" programs you move the mouse. Maybe what I need is "snap to grid". What happens to me is I get a cube that is 1.001, 0.98, 2.1 at 3.98734, 6.7, 9.010001 and when I try to fix it the thing gets rotated by 3.579 degrees. Then I really can't fix it. Then two lines I thought were connected fall apart and two other lines become connected. Maybe the problem is I can't draw 4 line and say that is a square. I must draw a square. Maybe I am thinking lines and not objects.
I remember trying to teach my GrandDad to use a computer. And now it is me! And some 8 year old will say "let me do it".
Not really that bad, but getting there.