Gray hair remedy (Any idea plz)

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New Member
Hello guys,

Today when I was looking at my hairs in a mirror I noticed that most of them are going to gray!

I want to know if there is any solution/remedy so that I stop or reverse (restore) the process?
Apart from dyeing How did you guys treate with such problem? such a problem is preventing my self trust while I am just 30.

Somebody told me to eat the rice bran for more than 6 months, But I am not sure if it can be any of help?!

Thank you very much
1) Use Grecian Formula ( What that article doesn't mention is that terms relating to using "Grecian Formula" are often used tongue in cheek for getting older.

2) Live with it.

Some hair experts will advise using a shampoo with a little blue in it. The blue keeps the gray from looking dingy yellow. White hair is distinguished and, apparently to some women, appealing. Just look at President Clinton.

If you have a wife and kids plus a job I would start looking at those as being the primary sources of the grey hair.

Welcome to the club. For the most part, I just live with it. You can start to really worry when your pubes

Somebody told me to eat the rice bran for more than 6 months, But I am not sure if it can be any of help?!

That sounds like a buncha crunchy-granola naturopathic slop there...
Somebody told me to eat the rice bran for more than 6 months, But I am not sure if it can be any of help?!
Sounds like the basis of a bad attack of diarrhoea/constipation/bad farts.

As for the hair going grey...

That is life!
Just suck it up, draw a line under it and move on!
You big girls' blouse!

When all else fails, remember that "No play for Mr. Gray" is just advertising.

My hair hasn't gone grey yet, it's skipped that stage completely and I'm finding a few sheet white hairs pop up every now and then, which promptly get plucked, I'm sure I'll be bald within 30 years from this method of treatment

For gray hair you can always use 'Just for men' (brand here in the USA) which is nothing more than a temporary hair dye that hides grey, it will take 20 years off your appearance, if you apply it once a week for the rest of your life an don't mind staining the bathtub every time you take a shower as it washes out.
I'm going gray..... It doesn't bother me at all, but I am going on 50.... I had a friend who fell out of a tree when he was 22... He went completely white
After a lot of seraches via net I have found this:

Any idea bout it plz?


You no longer need to use toxic chemicals to cover up your grey because you can stop gray hair naturally! We stop grey hair by using a vitamin that includes the Catalase enzyme.

Just how does that enzyme get from your mouth to your hair follicles? Do you know of any enzymes that are absorbed intact from the gut? Many of the microorganisms in your gut (colon) produce catalase. Why don't they prevent graying?

Horseradish has a peroxidase, which is related to catalase. Maybe rubbing that on your head would do just as much good. I am not sure of its effect on women, though.

Just deal with it. Hell, at 62 I am enjoying it. Started getting sections of white at about 52 or so. Today I have a mix of white and brown. I see it as just growing mellow with age. Also, as mentioned, be happy you have hair and skip the vanity thing.

My hair was grey for a number of years, its now turned an attractive platinum blonde, pushing 80 years, shows my 12 inch pony tail off a treat!...

Eric..This is a while since the goat photo I take it...
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Bah humbug.

Grow old gracefully and accept the hand you were dealt. Save your money and stay away from vanity treatments. Yes, I have some grey too. So it is not really a big deal. It is a fact of life for some. Wear it with pride or if your bald do without. Nothing worse than a bad fitting rug on a fellows head. Then there is the color matching issue. We have all seen them the black wig with a grey borderline under it . Always looks like a sore thumb. Then there is the sudden gust of wind that flips it up like a flap cap on an exhaust pipe of a Caterpillar tractor. That is my two cents worth.
I'm getting there and it doesn't bother me. Just live with it. Actually, regular haircuts make it look much more distinguished.

I had a friend who's hair was falling out and, as I knew chemistry, I said I would make him something to keep it in. I don't think he expected a wooden box.

when I'll get gray hair, if I'll get to that age of course, I'll be proud of them. it shows you have years of experience!
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