grey unreadable text - downgrade sucks. The new HMI is unuseable.

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What is it with nearly every website using light grey nearly unreadable text?

A lot of the members or at least the ones that post here are older. I really don;t need to looking at nearly invisible ink. I also have cataracts and a vertical astigmatism. the latter basically means that lower case is easier to read. That's just an aside.

So, yes, the entire layout sucks. it just follows the trend where the Internet is continuing to get harder and harder to use.

We need some 70 YO programmers or some that have learned what a decent HMI (Human Machine Interface) is like.

I might quit posting. I'm not going to strain my eyes. I don't know yet. The downgrade sucks!

I've toned it down just a little with regards to the grey text. I hope this helps a little.
My first look at the new style, which I didn't know there was until just now. Don't like the "latest threads" sidebar. Can I turn it off?
Don't think there's any need for 2 sharing areas either. 1 is already too many!
Name/avatar boxes are too intrusive now.
Everything looks too big, or something.
The new format works better on my Android phone! I like. Much better.
On the Raspberry Pi it looks OK.
Have the "number of likes" gone away?
The new format works better on my Android phone! I like. Much better.
On the Raspberry Pi it looks OK.
Have the "number of likes" gone away?

Good to hear that it looks good on your phone. Google Pixel owner here and it looks good.

Raspberry Pi? Really using the desktop? Nice!

Yes right now there are some "add ons" that aren't currently available for version 2 of the forum software.
I had an issue when logging in from iPhone earlier.
The input box for the password showed the asterisk as a character or digit was entered, but the flashing cursor was a couple of lines down the screen from the input box.
Can you screen shot what you're seeing? Are you sure you're on the updated theme?
I can but I'm not in the mood now. Of course I don't know what version or theme or anything; I'm just a know-nothing user.

I discovered today that "Stay logged in" also doesn't mean what it used to mean. I've looked up all of the words and still I'm confused.
I couldn't attach this pic in the PM you started with me, so it's here instead:

The cursor starts off in the correct place in the password input box, but jumps down once you start typing.

Another thing I have noticed, the menu bar used to stay visible underneath the browser menu bar, but it doesn't any more.
You have to scroll all the way to the top of the page before it becomes visible again. Chrome on Win 8.1.
An odd little feature which was in the old version of software but is not there now is something which I have seen described elsewhere as "Expand on mouse-over".

Example, at the top right hand of the display are the buttons JimB Inbox Alerts Search.
In the previous version, when I hovered the mouse pointer over say JimB, it would display the box with all the various submenues etc.
Now, in the new version, I have to click on JimB to see what is under that button.

Is there a user adjustable configuration point to enable/disable this feature?
could it be globally enabled by the administrators?

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