GSM Module TC35i

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I am new to GSM Module TC35i (Terminal version), currently I am interface it with hyper terminal (PC), later I will interface it with PIC when I fell confidence, and process the SMS message.

Now I am able to send and receive SMS message.
But how I get trigger if i have new incoming SMS message?
I can poll using AT+CMGL for unread SMS, but the message will turn to "read" SMS after the command execute.
If there is more than 1 unread message, I will lost track on other unread message.

I would like to know how many unread message, then I will process it accordingly.
Anybody can show me what AT command I shall use in this case?

Thank you.
u can downlaod all the received messages , compare it with the prev received,(msgs have timestamps?) , so that u can find what's new .
It is one of the possible method, but later I will implement it with 16F877A, I am worry I don't have enough RAM/buffer to hold the message temporary.
VictorPS said:
It is one of the possible method, but later I will implement it with 16F877A, I am worry I don't have enough RAM/buffer to hold the message temporary.

then u can do it with the message id/ timestamp.

if time stamp/id not available by default include it in the message, so that u can store the last received id
To know if I have new unread SMS, I found alternate solution that use command:
AT^SLMS (List SMS Memory Storage)
AT+CPMS? (Show number of SMS in memory)
if the number is different from previous, then I know I have new unread SMS .
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