GTP Programmer LITE

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I've successfully built an ART2003 PIC18F programmer and it worked 100%.
I'm very happy with that and I programmed, verified,erased n reprogrammed the PK2V021000.hex file. images are given in the pdf file.


  • ART_of_mine.pdf
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Success!!!!PIC16F628A can be programmed with art2003.
But some strange reason the first 628A was not programming , but the second one programmed successfully with a LED blink code. This also worked perfectly....
An one half step from the bridge to making PICKit 2 Junebug...

Can somebody please gimme some good but simple PIC16F628A project/programs to test...
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hi how can i program the 18f2550 for PICkit2 clone.i have to make another programmer to build this programmer????
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You need some way of getting the PICkit2 firmware into the 18F2550, be it by getting someone you know with a programmer to do it, obtaining a pre-programmed PIC, or building the cheap programmer to do it.
hi how can i program the 18f2550 for PICkit2 clone.i have to make another programmer to build this programmer????

The 18f2550 supports low voltage programming LVP. It would be one way to program the chip for the PICkit2 clone.
simple answer. Do just like me, build a art2003 programmer. and thgen program 18F2550 with winpic. Be sure to select LVP and 20 MHz clock speed in fuses section before programming......good luck....I built it programmed it successfully.....
I've built my PICKit 2 on a non plated home made PCB. I'll post some picture tomorrow.I didn't connected thr 680 uH inductor. The hardware was detected by PICKit 2 Programmer 2.40, the software. and the PK2 hardware firmware was v2.30.

First problem, I'm getting a error saying "Vpp voltage error" and trouble shooting shows that the Vpp is shorted. How to fix it?

will Adding the inductor solve it?
Is there any problem in the NPN and PNP transistor array?
Will the problem occur if the mosfets, BS250 and 2N7000 reversed?
Any problem in resistor value(s) or diodes?

Without connecting anythiny to the PK2 ICSP pin, the Troubleshoot menu is showing that "An external power was detected at Vpp @ 4.2V'" Is this normal?

Is this correct>.....the pinout for BS250 is 1rain;2:Gate3:source when shown from front. And the pinout for 2N7000 is 1:SOurce 2:Gate 3rain.
I think I've reversed any of this two in my PCB.

Anyway, The Data and Clock pins are working correctly
You need to add the inductor. It is part of the charge pump that generates VPP. The uC sees you do not have VPP and reports it as shorted, but the problem is the missing inductor. Install it and see if it fixes VPP.

The best source of pinout info is the datasheet from the place that supplied the BS250 and 2N7000. Bill useful VPP info this thread:
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what if i only have the 2N7000?...
is there any replacement for the BS250P??... because i need to program those kind of PICs with internal oscillators.

i read that i should connect the D and the S of the BS250P... but what about the 1k resistor on the G pin of the BS250P?... should i eliminate it and leave everything the same?... can someone explain this modification ...

You don't have to use either the 2N7000 or BS250, they are only required under certain conditions to get the PIC into programming mode.
You don't have to use either the 2N7000 or BS250, they are only required under certain conditions to get the PIC into programming mode.

yeah?!!:.. and why are they in the schematic??...

i will be able to program those kind of PICs without those parts?...

how the schematic will turn in to?...

someone have the "reduced" schematic??
It's an old schematic that was posted for review of an early Junebug prototype, that's the nature of the net things spread around. Look at all the stuff that's out there that doesn't work like the scads of schematics from Electronics Lab.

PS the D+ & D- may be reversed in the schematic you found.

OK, i will check it...

so... i should build the Lite version of your programmer?.
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