Guitar Effects Pedal Board - Ground Loop Elimination Help

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I've built a guitar effects pedal board and everything looks good except that when I plug it all in I get this extremely loud hum in my signal. I've double-checked and triple-checked my soldering job for each input and output on this board and I'm 80% sure that the problem is a ground loop. I've looked on lots of websites trying to figure out how to eliminate this problem and all I have come up with is people trying to sell me some box that will eliminate the ground loop or they say to cut the ground at the amplifier end. BTW: that didn't work. I'm pretty sure that the loop exists somewhere in the actual connections rather than in the power source although I suppose it could be both. Can anyone help me out? I've made a VERY detailed schematic of my pedal board and I hope you'll take a look at it and see if there's something obviously wrong that I am just missing.

Thanks a lot.



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