Guitar Parts(First thread)

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New Member
First, I would like to introduce myself, you can call me Ricky, or Poke, it doesn't matter.

I am big on Guitars and amplification, and I need to know if you know of any simple electronic components I could make that could, with the help of a 9 volt battery, cause any distortion. Basically, I want to make a simple OD pedal.

I know it would need(I'm guessing on this one) potentiometers for volume and to control the amount of clipping.

I have no electronics experience, I can't even use a soldering gun, but I can learn.

If there is anything guitar related that is any more simple, could I hear about it. I want to learn to create electronics, but I also want to get something useful out of it.

Thanks all and sorry for my n00bishness.
There are millions of circuits on the internet that cause distortion.

How about looking for the Fuzz Face circuit? There is a good description of all the various things it does because it changes how it sounds depending on how hard you play your guitar.
Some people use rare old transistors to make it.
I was looking for something simple I could build that could produce a effect that I would be able to use, at least for a little.
Hey there. I build fuzz pedals. Circuits don't get too much simpler than an old fashioned FuzzFace. The absolutely critical part is getting good transistors. That means correct gain and preferably germanium if you are very picky about tone. If you just want thrash/death metal, then RatShack silicon will do fine.
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