Gun Ownership

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And what drug is the drug of choice for an ex-heroin addict ? Alcohol my friend.

Ok, then come to Utah where drinking and pot smoking was the normal thing you see 20 yrs ago. (Meth use is off the charts and prescription drug use on the street has sky rocketed.) Ask most any kid why he's using Heroin and it's common to hear them say Quote: Oxycontin was first addiction but, I could not afford it. So, I turned to heroin. But when I used the heroin off the street the dealers will mix it with meth changing it into what is commonly known as a speed ball now I'm addicted to both drugs.

This problem is current and and my community involvement to try and help addicts recover after courts and law enforcement have uncovered there long term addiction problem is current. I personally am involved with both community action programs as well as religious leaders and law enforcement. I have worked with deviant youth and have passed the required state agency drug classes and physiological testing for positions held at Youth Correction Facilities as well as working at such facilities and having the ear to the ground direct knowledge speaking to youth.

I have personally had many conversations with them as well while working for such facilities. I feel the information I have is very current and not outdated or antiquated.

The doctors job is to relive pain. Not to govern prescription drugs. That job is do be done by society. e.g. He being the Drug dealer unaware. People cause the situation and are directly profiting from it. They are the ones turning it into street value.

I'm not saying put people in prison. I lean toward legalizing and having a uniform plan to use the money maybe for education and irradiation of the black market drugs. We need to take the profit out from the streets and put it into programs designed to rid ourselves of this stigma. Lets face it our society not just here but abroad are a mix of both addicts and none addicts not excluding former addicts.

Then you have to ask the question should the world health organization have so much power and who's pocket are they in ?

Where does regular illness and prescription antibiotics play into this scenario and where does animal over use of antibiotics play a role in the recent outbreak of Swine flu.

I'm not saying put people in prison.


Okay, I'm getting a little concerned. I definately read that as a "but" 4 or 5 times. It's been happening more and more I noticed, particularily on forums where you can often write it off as people's typing or spelling. But I've noticed people seem to have been making more and more really obvious and stupid typing mistakes.

Like just this morning, I was Googling Union 76 a few times, but every single time I typed in Union 79 instead. What gives?
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This moved completely from gun issues to drugs

Yeah... like someone with A-D-D started a conversation and was distracted.

"I think guns are <blank> because they ... Hey LOOK a puppy!"
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Yep! DK knocked one out of the park with this thread! Way to go DK!

Relevant and logical progression too.

There is a hint for alcohol discussion floating around also. Just get tobacco in here soon and we will have ourselves a standard ATF task force meeting going on!
A-D-D and electronics nuts? I dont see the connection?
O-C-D and electronics nuts? Well now thats just like pea's and a pod!
A hand and a glove, a.... Hey Ya there is a puppy!

Okay connection plausible.
A-D-D and electronics nuts? I dont see the connection?
O-C-D and electronics nuts? Well now thats just like pea's and a pod!
A hand and a glove, a.... Hey Ya there is a puppy!

Okay connection plausible.

I guess all the Gang members are just carrying a pea shooter. Well organized criminals with the intent to distribute illegal drugs the primary source of income is illegal drugs they depend on networks willing to distribute and defend themselves with firearms for either the income or the drug or to obtain the money to buy the drug. Of course the addicts work their little hearts out like you and me to buy their drugs ?

I think the violence is spread out for various reasons and yes unfortunately the (built in) argument for Liberals stems from personal possession of a fire arm for protection of property and liberty from aggression this is due to the genral population who have little resources to turn to and are not trusted with a fire arm. Law enforcement only has so many dollars and people.

Liberal progression is to neutralize gun possession on a single statement. I believe this conversation would have led to (Drugs) it was a gradual progression to drugs because of crime. Where did the ATF form and for what reason.

We needed to deal with (Prohibition) Although Prohibition was officially over, the whole era of the time side effects continued for decades to mold the shape of ATF. ATF is the youngest tax-collecting Treasury agency.

Hmn, how does that play to the forum.

Now lets go back to the right to bear arms Question.

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Where does regular illness and prescription antibiotics play into this scenario and where does animal over use of antibiotics play a role in the recent outbreak of Swine flu.

BTW, antibiotics have nothing to do with viral infections such as Swine Flu. Antibiotics are used to fight bacterial infection and not viral.
This moved completely from gun issues to drugs
Unfortunately, at times the two go hand-in-hand!

I like my guns. My guns like me.
I take care of my guns. My guns serve me well.
I clean my guns. My guns like being clean.
I shoot my guns. My guns like exercise.

This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
My rifle is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.
My rifle, without me is useless. Without my rifle, I am useless. I must fire my rifle true. I must shoot straighter than my enemy who is trying to kill me. I must shoot him before he shoots me. I will...
My rifle and myself know that what counts in this war is not the rounds we fire, the noise of our burst, nor the smoke we make. We know that it is the hits that count. We will hit . . .
My rifle is human, even as I, because it is my life. Thus, I will learn it as a brother. I will learn its weaknesses, its strength, its parts, its accessories, its sights, and its barrel. I will ever guard it against the ravages of weather and damage. I will keep my rifle clean and ready, even as I am clean and ready. We will become part of each other. We will ...
Before God I swear this creed. My rifle and myself are the defenders of my country. We are the masters of our enemy. We are the saviors of my life. So be it, until victory is America’s and there is no enemy, but Peace!

BTW, antibiotics have nothing to do with viral infections such as Swine Flu. Antibiotics are used to fight bacterial infection and not viral.

It was not the Virus that killed. If you look at some of the most recent research from the CDC, the Spanish Flue deaths were mostly caused by secondary bacterial infections.

If individuals who are in the immediate area and are then exposed to the virus and bacteria now mutated to a more deadly strain once transmitted will then weaken the body's ability to fight it.

Something that will further complicate it is if that person has consumed on a regular basis the pork that has residual Antibiotics in the slaughtered meat that suppresses that individuals immune systems response. Then you have a very good incubator for the bacteria to thrive and become the strain of bacteria that kills.

All you need now is another victim to transmit the ( virus laden bacterial spore) with a cough or spittle or sneeze and suddenly you have the second transmission and possible second victim who will then mutate and so on.

The way that Viruses populate is unusual tricking the immune system to believe it is a match to (tirggering) an immune system cell to divide however, once that virus has achieved this it has already deposited it's own markers in your immune system cell now mutated.

The immune system itself now becomes the transport system and genetic material for the virus. It now will appear as any other immune system cell with remnant markers of the cell still present when those encounter more immune system cell the will then repeat the process.

Therefor the immune system will not attack itself and it will clone more and more. But it's not done yet a virus has an even more powerful tool it can (resurrect) a dead cell and clone it ( scientist still don't understand this process) suddenly the immune system is overwhelmed by the invaders ever evolving pattern of division.

In the lungs the perfect environment for the newly antibiotic resistant strain of bacteria grows to lethal levels further destroying the now weaken immune system to become a fatality.

Yes, your right. But they are somewhat hand in hand not one without the other and what kills is the bacterial infections now mutated. Aided by the antibiotic connection.

Once that Virus of 1918 circled the planet it was stronger than the first and came back around with devastating results .

A buddy of mine has this one.
It mows the grass and plows fields too!

100% Us legal to own too!
(big pile of paperwork to fill out and very tight back ground checks though!)

I think his is around $10K and the belt fed ammunition is about the size of a big permanent marker!

Sorry but I am not a gun person so every specs related number he tells me just goes right over my head.


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So how much did it cost? - I'm just been nosey.
I purchased it for $579.00 US and the Bausch & Lomb scope was about $390.00 and $60 for scope mounts. These prices are from several years ago and they have increased considerably since then. I have the BOSS attachment and it's not uncommon to shoot tight groups at 100yds. that can be covered with a US 25¢ piece, sometimes even a US nickel covers the holes, provided I haven't had too much caffeine!
As much as I en joy firearms and gunsmithing, I truly enjoy archery and bowhunting. There's a considerable more human element involved in precision archery and bowhunting. I have taught a youth archery course, however I may need to consider instructing at the collegiate level, and here's why: Hubba-hubba!


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She doesn't look very natural though does she?

And the string is likely to be painful
I dont care!
The tires and rims on my pickup are not factory, they are bigger than original, but they still make it look better!
She doesn't look very natural though does she?

And the string is likely to be painful
Natural? You don't notice that her form is perfect? And the only string that might be painful is the bowstring against her forearm without an arm guard.
My responses are in blue.

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I don't understand what you mean by resurrection of this virus. Unless referring my statement of circling the planet. If not then you may be referring to a Virus able to resurrect a dead host cell?

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