H-bridge using PIC16F84

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New Member
I am building a robot for a fianl rpoject and i need to find a H-bridge schematic to control the motors so it turns the robot left and right. My voltage source is 12v so i hope someone can help me out. I appreciate the help.

You should tell us lot more infos. Do you want an integrated circuit? A complete schematic to build it from scratch? What is the current consomption? How many motors? PWM able or not?
Have a look at the L6203 from SGS. It will handle upto 5A and can be driven from any microcontroller. If this isn't what your looking for, then a better description of your project may help.

Eh KC,
Have a look at the sn754410ne H-bridge driver chip from TI, they are a replacement for the L293 and can handle 1 amp, if you need more stack another on top and you have 2 amps. They are used in a heap of robot's and by using an inverter you only need 3 pins to drive it.

Hope this helps

Cheers Bryan1
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